In the first instance this is targeted at primary schools in areas populated with kiwi, these predominately exist in the eastern hill country.
The schools programme also supports ongoing work around kiwi awareness at public events, with landowners, in the business community and with service clubs and organisations.
Conservation is high on New Zealand’s agenda and there will be a multitude of jobs in the conservation space for school leavers in future years so it is important that the conservation story is shared with our young people. Our kiwi practitioners are in hot demand to share their insights and experience with kiwi with the wider public.
31 Richmond Street
Inglewood, 4330
Postal Address:
PO Box 308
Stratford 4352
Phone: 027 454 0591
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The Taranaki Kiwi Trust is registered with the Charities Commission, Number CC22851. Therefore, donations and subscriptions made to the Trust over $5 are eligible for a tax rebate.